The Adventure of Tom Sawyer is a novel written by Mark Twain in the year 1876. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer revolves around the story of a young boy growing up along the Mississippi River. The novel is set in the year of 1840 in the fictional town of St. Petersburg. The story of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is inspired by Hannibal Missouri, where a young boy lives by the name of Twain. You can download The Adventures of Tom Sawyer PDF at the end.
Review of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer:
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer represents the various adventures of Tom Sawyer, accompanied by his closest friend Huckleberry Finn. At first, the book was a total failure but later on, it gained fame and success. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is one of the best selling work of Twain’s in his lifetime. The novel is considered as one of the best books from Twain ever written. According to the experts, the novel is regarded as a masterpiece of American literature and is one of the first novels to be written with the help of a typewriter.
Features of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer pdf:
- The Adventure of Tom Sawyer is written by Mark Twain.
- The novel was written in English and Spanish language and was first published in the United States.
- The novel comes under the genre of children’s literature, folk, satire, picaresque novel and bildungsroman.
- The Adventure of Tom Sawyer is published by American Publishing Company.
- The novel was published in the year of 1876.
- The novel consists of a total of 813 and revolves around the story of the adventures of a young boy.
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is followed by Adventures of Huckleberry Finn published after this novel by Twain.
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